Industrial Mixers UK

PerMix 3D Mixer

PerMix Liquid Mixers

PerMixPerMix 3D Mixer

Best in Innovation • Best In Performance • Best In Quality • Best In Price • Best In Warranty

PerMix 3D Mixer

PerMix 3D Mixers or Multi Direction Powder Mixers are used for homogeneous mixing of powdery substances with different specific weights and particle sizes.

Producing dry-to-wet and wet-to-wet mixtures is also possible.

The production process is hygienic and dust-free because the product is mixed in independent containers of variable sizes.

During the mixing process the powder moves on a random direction from center to the end of the trough and on the same time from top to the bottom. In such a multi-dimensional way, the PerMix 3D Mixers need only short mixing time and relatively low power consumption.

During the mixing process the powder moves on a random direction from center to the end of the trough and on the same time from top to the bottom. In such a multi-dimensional way, the PerMix PTU series Turbula Blender needs only short mixing time and relatively low power consumption.

The mixer‘s “Gentle” mixing action is good for final products that are sensitive to high shear of the mixer and tend to break or to reduce their particles size, or are highly abrasive.


PerMix 3D Mixer Specification

We are able to offer our PTU Mixers with contact part to be built in SS304, SS316/316L, Titanium, Duplex stainless steel, Hastelloy, etc. Standard of internal and external finish can be adapted to the customer’s needs.

  1. Excellent homogeneity of mixing with no dead points
  2. Sizes from 5 to 300 lit. total volume
  3. Interchangeable drums for small sizes less than PTU-50
  4. Mixing in independent containers (on small models as an Option) offers no contamination and emissions, no extra cleaning.
  5. Complete discharge and easy cleaning
  6. Safety cage to prevent human injury
  7. Time-saving, fast exchange of the container, due to simple and fast mounting of the containe


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